Thursday, January 10, 2013


  1. The Dark Knight Rises                      -inspired by a comic and book
  2. The Avengers                                         -inspired by a comic
  3. The Amazing Spiderman               -inspired by a comic
  4. The Hunger Games                            -inspired by a teen novel
  5. Skyfall
  6. The Hobbit                                               -inspired by a novel
  7. Think Like A Man                               -inspired by a self help book
  8. Brave
  9. Snow White & the Huntsman      -inspired by a fairy tale
  10. Madagascar 

The book and movie industry are so intertwined that they have a correlation. Six of the ten movies made in 2012 that were popular were based in some form or fashion off books. Steve Harvey's self help book to women, Think Like a Man, Act like a Lady was not extraordinarily popular, but after being made into a movie it now is. After being made into a movie, the Hunger Games series became even more popular. 

In some cases movies do overshadow books. I know a handful of people off the top of my head that went to see the Harry Potter films but did not read the books. Why, I have no idea. The books are awesome for those of you who haven't read them. 

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