Friday, January 18, 2013

Time Magazine: Love it!

I am subscribed to Time on my Kindle Fire. The Gunfighters issue is the last one I read. In this issue, there were not many ads. I counted about 7 or 8 ads total. Most of the content was purely articles dealing with guns. In the article "The Next Gun Fight," the cover of the articles is tons of bullets. The next image in the story is of Joe Biden in black and white standing angled to the camera with a quote overlaying him. "I have illusions about what we're up against... but I also have never seen the nation's conscience so shaken." The next photo is of Michael Bloomberg with this quote overlaying "The NRA is only powerful is you and I let them be powerful." Next comes a pie chart of Federally Licensed Firearms and Dealers in the U.S. Next we have Gabby Giffords quoting "We need to do something. We've got to stop just talking about this." Well said my Giffords! Rankings of guns per capita come next, with the U.S. leading and Yemen in second place. Now we have U.S. gun deaths by reason in a chart comparing 1993 to 2011. Next comes various images of guns and people throughout our history. 

The ads in the issue include Fidelity Investments which has an image of a green arrow going up. An image in the worms eye perspective shows trees and city buildings from the bottom up in an ad talking about Big Happens Here in an ad for New York Business. An ad for The Americans All's Fair in Love and Cold War which will be airing on Jan. 30 at 10 on FX comes next. Images of Clint Eastwood on posters Americans are protesting with, people with guns over their hearts and important buildings in the U.S, are all shown in black and white with red text over it. 

The major differences between news photos and ad images are that news photos are generally of people, while the ads in the issue do not always have actual photos. They mainly have animations of arrows, etc. While they sometimes include actual photographs, people are not always presented. Similarities include attention grabbing text.

Most of the ads within the issue are on guns information. While some of them include business and investments, the editors seem to place ads in which directly relate to the issues main theme while also adding these business and investment ads. The target audience from the ads is big business and high money. 

There is no disconnect between the ad images and news photos except for the ads in which are animated arrows etc. 

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